Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), one of the main ingredients in our “Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby” Formulae, has been used to increase milk production since biblical times. The herb contains phytoestrogens, which are plant chemicals similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. A key compound, diosgenin, has been shown experimentally to increase milk flow.
Our Moor Herbs “High Science Formulae” Healthy Mom / Healthy Baby is specifically designed to provide a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, as well as increase breast milk supply. It contains plants (11) high in a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for optimal health and well being. Due to the fact of the source of these minerals are plants, they are 100% digestible and absorbable by the body. Since this blend is made with 100% whole foods, it does not contain Vitamin-D, so make sure to get 10 to 60 minutes of direct sunlight to ensure that your body produces Vitamin-D… or take a Vitamin-D supplement.
Other tips to increase milk supply:
* Breastfeed every time your baby is hungry.
* Make sure your baby is latching well.
* Offer both breasts at each feeding.
* Empty your breasts at each feeding.
* Avoid bottles and pacifiers in the early weeks.
* Get plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet.
* Pump or express your milk.