The Chinese call it ‘Chi’, the Egyptians ‘Ka’, the Vedics ‘Prana’.. Yet the Western Medical Community has no word for Universal Etheric Subtle Vibrational Energy Healing protocols..why?You will learn in this book What BiomagHealing Is, It’s history in healing with magnets, why it works and how you can apply BiomagHealing protocols outlined in this book, if you have magnets to assist you. BiomagHealing is Non-Invasive and anyone can learn to apply these techniques safely and effectively.
Biomag Healing is known to help in mitigating, alleviating and greatly reducing health issues and symptoms such as:Addiction * Detoxification Dementia * Brain Fog * Balance * Arthritis Restless Leg * Cancer Shoulder Pain * Fibromyalgia * Rheumatism * Sciatica * Carpul Tunnel * HIV *AIDS Arrhythmia * Diarrhea * Bloating * PMS * Menopause * Digestion *Stress * Pineal Gland Clearing * Infertility Sexual Dysfunction * Meningitis * High Cholesterol * Depression * Gastritis * Autism * ADHD * General Pain *Vaccine Injuries * Hepatitis * Back Pain * MS * Parkinsons Disease * Addiction * Detoxification * Heavy Metal Detox * Mold * Anger*Anxiety*Suicide Thoughts* Sports Injuries*Mosquito infection*Lyme Disease* . and Much, Much More…