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    * Cooties Be Gone 14-Day Tea Cleanse Therapy

    Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $80.00.

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    *** Our Moor Herbs “HIGH SCIENCE” Cooties Be Gone 14-Day Cleanse Therapy is one of our most potent cleanses that performs a host of beneficial actions. Cooties Be Gone 14-Day Cleanse Therapy performs many functions including, blood and lymphatic cleansing, countering inflammation (especially in the genital region), boosting and fortifying the immune system (also known as the ‘defense’ system), and countering pathogens.

    This therapy is highly recommended for sexually transmitted adverse conditions (adverse conditions of the sexual reproductive organs).

    NOTE: It’s always best to perform the Full Body Detox cleanse before performing this or any other cleanse therapy.

    Our “Cooties Be Gone 14-Day Cleanse Therapy” comes with six (6) formulas that you drink over a 14-day period.  The user makes a 1/2 gallon batch of tea that they drink throughout the day.

    A raw foods diet is recommended during the 14-day regimen.

    Cleanse includes:

      • Blood & Lymphatic Formulae (14tea bags)
      • Chlorophyll Blend (14tea bags)
      • Immune Support (14tea bags)
      • Cooties Be Gone Formulae (14tea bags)
      • Liver & Gallbladder Formulae (14tea bags)
      • Dirty Sex? Formulae (14tea bags)

    Instructions (for use):

    1. Bring 64oz of water to a boil, preferably alkaline water (the best) or distilled. Never drink municipal tap water!
    2. Add 1 tea bag from each formulae to the water and let simmer for 20 minutes.
    3. Sweeten to taste.
    4. Drink 16oz before breakfast
    5. Drink 16oz before lunch
    6. Drink 16oz before dinner
    7. Drink 16oz before bed

    The recommended diet for this cleanse as with all of the cleanses compounded by our Moorish Science herbalist is a strictly raw foods, plant-based diet consisting of “your” favorite fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains (sprouted). Whatever you like to eat, just eat it raw, and as much as you like. That simple!

    Breakfast consumption during this cleanse should include raw, fresh, organic (preferably) fruit and/or fruit smoothie. Fruit consumption is best in the morning. After all, technically, you’re breaking a “fast”, hence the first meal of the day, breakfast (breaking the ‘fast’).

    Lunch consumption during the cleanse should include a big, green, leafy, cruciferous salad (e.g. Romaine lettuce, Green lettuce, etc. – no iceberg lettuce as it is devoid of any nutrition and was grafted to grow in cold weather, even snow, hence the name “ice-berg”). You can add tomatoes, cucumbers, chickpeas, corn, olives, shredded carrots, shredded radish, green peppers, etc. to your salad. Whatever you add, just make sure it’s fresh and raw (uncooked). Good salad dressings include generic dressing (extra-virgin olive oil, lemon or lime juice, apple cider vinegar, sea salt) or store brands such as “Follow Your Heart” (best brand). Lunch can also consist of Tabouli (parsley) salad, coleslaw (use vegan mayonnaise), etc. Simply be creative. Look for raw food recipes on the internet. Type in “raw foods recipes” or “free raw food recipes.” We also carry fresh house-made salad dressings under our Brand name as well.

    Dinner consumption during this cleanse can be a repeat of the lunch selection. If the season is Fall, September 21 – December 20, or Winter, December 21 – March 20, and thus cold weather while you’re cleansing, you may consume hot soup, vegetable stew, vegetable broth, etc. If you need to feel something sticking to your bones (filling) while cleansing, you may consume brown or wild rice and steamed vegetables. Just don’t make an excuse to eat like this during the entire cleanse. Use/develop willpower (which fosters much needed discipline) which cleansing requires.

    Good snacks to consume while cleansing include organic raisins, dates, sulfur-free dried fruits, dried fruit-vegetable chips, trail mix, etc. NOTE: Make sure snacks are sulfur (sulphur) free.

    If you’re cleansing and must travel and need to find a health store and/or raw foods, vegan, macrobiotic, or vegetarian restaurant, the best resource on the internet is www.HappyCow.net. Download their app on your phone (there may be a small fee). You won’t regret it. Best app for healthy dining.

    It is highly recommended by our Moorish Science Herbalists to drink fresh-squeezed fruit and vegetable juice during your cleanse, as much as possible. Just follow the rules of food combining (you can learn more about this subject online at sites like: http://www.acidalkalinediet.com/food-combining-chart#.WUk14yMrI0E

    During this cleanse, please refrain (to the best of your ability) from consuming meat, eggs, dairy, refined grains and starches, and commercial condiments (they trigger unnatural and unhealthy appetite).

    Avoid “cooked” food (food cooked in heat beyond 118 degrees F).

    Meat includes but is not limited to: bacon, beef, bison, bologna, chicken, crab, fish, frankfurter (hot dog weiner), ham, hamburger, ham hock, hog head cheese, gizzard, lamb, liver, liverwurst, lobster, neck bone, pastrami, pig feet, pig snout, pork, potted meat, rock cornish hen, salami, salt pork, sausage, sardines, shrimp, Spam, steak, turkey, etc.

    This cleanse is enough for one “person” only.

    This cleanse is not recommended if pregnant and/or if breastfeeding.

    Healing crisis (also known as Herxheimer Reaction and Law of Cure) is a common occurrence when healing with Nature’s herbs.

    We do not recommend simultaneous consumption of herbs and pharmaceutical drug medications due to possible harmful interaction and adverse reactions.

    100% Vegan product.

    Soy, Wheat, and Gluten-free.

    Processed according to CGMP standards with stainless steel encapsulation equipment. Quality assured. No chemical gel-packs or desiccants. No heat applied to bottles (external shrink band application).

    This product and the statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease.

    Additional information

    Weight 18 oz