• Multi Vita-Mineral


    Our Moor Herbs “High Science Formulae” Multi Vita-Mineral formulae contains plants (11) high in a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for optimal health and well being. Due to the fact of the source of these minerals are plants, they are 100% digestible and absorbable by the body; as that which is organic can only digest and absorb that which is organic. This is basic and elementary science.

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    Alfalfa, Kelp, Rose Hip Seed, Irish Moss, Suma, Spirulina, Chlorella, Sheep Sorrell, Moringa Leaf, Nettle, Spinach.

    Our Moor Herbs “High Science Formulae” Multi Vita-Mineral formulae contains plants (11) high in a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for optimal health and well being. Due to the fact of the source of these minerals are plants, they are 100% digestible and absorbable by the body; as that which is organic can only digest and absorb that which is organic.  Since this blend is made with 100% whole foods, it does not contain Vitamin-D, so make sure to get 10 to 60 minutes of direct sunlight to ensure that your body produces Vitamin-D… or take a Vitamin-D supplement. This is basic and elementary science.

    Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) is an herb that many Americans consider to be just a common weed, particularly in areas where blueberries grown. However, its medicinal uses have been known for quite some time. In fact, it has recently received extra attention for its use in a common cancer tea. Historically, sheep sorrel has been used to treat a variety of issues from inflammation and diarrhea to scurvy and cancer. What’s interesting about this herb is that every single part of the plant can be used medicinally.

    The sheep sorrel herb has been considered a rich source of vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, and other carotenoids. In fact, in “The New Healing Herb,” sheep sorrel is cited as one of the most potent antioxidant herbs known. Currently, however, it is most well-known within the alternative cancer treatment community as one of the main ingredients in Essiac tea. It is also a key ingredient in our Multi Vita-Mineral Formulae.

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    Weight 3 oz

    60 capsules, 100 capsules