Duck Flower, aka “The Duck,” are beautiful, magnificent flowers that are ingested to detoxify the body. It is a very quick and violent detox. Dr. Sebi describes this form of detox as the best way to detox. The Duck is famously used at Honduran herbalist Dr. Sebi’s Usha Village.
Duck Flower will give you hours of discomfort. Most like 3 to 5 possibly more. Vomiting, bowel movement, stomach discomfort, aches, and other flu like symptoms. The Duck Flower experience is the best way to detox. Some potency is lost when dried. No potency is lost when Blended. Potency is lost when powdered but still very effective for removing inflammation and mucus without the extreme discomforts.
Duck Flower Detox Instructionals
The Duck Flower Detox is one (1) whole dried duck flower Blossom of the vine
Aristolochia Grandiflora, wild-harvested in the hills of Jamaica. No additives, No fillers,
only 100% Pure Duck!
It is said when the components of The Duck enter your body it removes EXCESS
mucus EVERYWHERE it is not supposed to be and thoroughly cleanses the intestines
over a period of 4 to 8 hours.
WARNING! This is a VERY aggressive detox. It will likely cause vomiting & diarrhea.
Do NOT take without first consulting your health professional. For ADULTS only.
It should NEVER be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women or children.
The reported benefits of the Duck Flower Detox:
• Cleanse the body of excess mucus
• Total cleanse of impacted waste in the intestines
• Eliminate parasites from the intestines
• Reduce bloating
• Increased energy & vitality
• Increased mental clarity
• Weight loss
It is best to take it in the morning after a light breakfast of raw fruit and water/tea. Make
plans to be home all day!
1. Soak flower in freshwater for one hour to re-hydrate.
2. Consume the entire soaked flower, chewing thoroughly. Or you may blend it with
2 tablespoons of water or natural fruit juice and consume.
3. During the course of the detox, consume adequate amounts of liquid with
electrolytes – coconut water is ideal. If you vomit or pass feces you MUST re-hydrate
with water/coconut water
4. After the detox is complete, reintroduce simple plant-based foods slowly, such
as raw fruit or raw veggies.